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Healing with Hydrogen Peroxide

The Chemistry of Hydrogen Peroxide
According to Wikipedia, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the simplest peroxide (a compound with an oxygen-oxygen single bond). It is a clear liquid, and in dilute solution, it appears colorless. Basically, hydrogen peroxide is a molecule of water with an extra atom of oxygen attached, occurring throughout nature and produced by almost every cell in the human body. It is also a strong oxidizer. Due to its oxidizing properties, H2O2 is often used as a bleach or cleaning agent.

Hydrogen peroxide also has a strong oxidizing effect on the human body. The use of hydrogen peroxide orally, by intravenous HOPEinjection, and for topical use has been well documented as far back as the early nineteenth century. Many bacterial diseases, including syphilis, responded to H2O2 when no other treatment was effective. In the early twentieth century, H2O2 was used to treat several common diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, ulcers, asthma, whooping cough, and tuberculosis. (Ross, pg. 11) However, as the pharmaceutical industry began to develop powerful new (and high-priced) drugs, hydrogen peroxide became ignored for its healing properties and eventually obsolete as a treatment.

Peroxide is the main ingredient used by your white blood cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN’s), which engulf bacteria then trigger a “respiratory burst.” The cells combine oxygen and water, making H2O2, in the location of the bacteria. This “respiratory burst” is what kills invaders of the human body.

If white cells didn’t produce H2O2, the respiratory burst would not be possible, and bacteria would take over a living organism. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide is essential in the defense of bacteria on the human body and has been promoted from an ordinary mouthwash to one of life’s most important bodyguards. (Douglass II, MD, pg. 18-19)

Hydrogen Peroxide and Cardiac Resuscitation
Victims of heart attacks often die within hours of the onset of the dysfunction. This is due to the heart’s response to hypoxia or lack of oxygen. Hypoxia causes a dangerous “runaway heart” condition known as ventricular fibrillation, a deadly event in which the heart muscle goes crazy and beats uncontrollably. If the blood could be supersaturated with oxygen, the problem of hypoxia would be met directly, and the patient should survive.

13417583_1102740549785312_5602080569929187720_nSome emergency measures have proven to be successful in calming the heart down, and defibrillation, an electrical shocking of the heart, has often been lifesaving. Ventricular fibrillation has been reported to have been completely relieved with the emergency use of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has been found to have an energizing and inotropic effect on the heart muscle, causing it to beat with more vigor and efficiency. The heart is often slowed from an unhealthy, chaotic rate with H2O2, and blood pressure will often be considerably reduced. (Douglass II, MD, pg. 25-26)

Cancer Treatment and Hydrogen Peroxide
While radiation is still the number one fight against cancer, this method has several unwanted side effects that come along with it. Hydrogen peroxide cancer treatment has become the new way to effectively improve the standard radiation therapy on several different types of malignancies and it’s a safer way to cure cancer.BREATHE WITH ME

Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancer cells have different metabolic properties than normal cells. (Ross, 16) Healthy cells use oxygen in most of their chemical reactions. Unlike healthy cells which are aerobic, cancer cells use a metabolic process called fermentation which is anaerobic, or without oxygen. This means that cancer cells thrive in a low-oxygen environment.

Research over the years has shown that you can reduce the risk of developing cancer by effectively oxygenating tumor cells with hydrogen peroxide. This cancer treatment has proven to work effectively while giving you the minimal side effects in the process.

Although it is not recognized by the FDA or AMA, infusion or consumption of hydrogen peroxide gives off a positive metabolic effect and actually oxidizes various physiological substances. In doing so, it promotes a healthy growth of tissue and increases the oxygen stasis of the cells. This oxidizing treatment has a consistent decomposing effect on tumors and hinders the growth of tumors and their development. In fact, cancer therapy may prove to be the most impressive and useful place for peroxide therapy.

Alternatives in Cancer Therapy. Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overhoser.

Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle. William Campbell Douglass II, MD. Pgs. 18-19; 25-26


Http:// This page was last modified on 24 March 2013 at 00:34.

Pro-Senescent Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Cancer Cells and Its Possible Application to Tumor Suppression. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 73 (2), Pgs. 311-315, 2009
