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The So-Called “War on Drugs”: Removing Drug Prohibition in America


The “War on Drugs” is one of the most coordinated and well-financed international efforts in history, and it is nothing more than a war on humanity. Corporations are making big money supplying law enforcement agencies with the equipment needed to conduct this so-called “war”. They don’t care that military people die. They don’t care that your streets aren’t safe, or that our children are killing each other. They’re only concern is the almighty holy dollar. That is the truth, and it is time that everyone is informed of it. It is time to take back your right to think and judge for yourself.

Prohibition can be removed without the world plummeting into moral chaos. First, put the distribution of drugs under government control. The revenues received from sales can be spent on rehabilitation and anti-drug advertising. Second, remove penalties for possession of small amounts of “soft” drugs, such as cannabis. Third, make hard drugs, such as cocaine, available by prescription at a price that does not force addicts into crime. Last, but not least, prohibit the advertising of all non-medical drugs, including alcohol.

The results of these actions would be remarkable, however there would be many vested interests to overcome. We, the people of the United States, should stand as one and take the lead in this battle. As victims of crime that it promotes, what sensible person would not want to participate in an effort that benefits an entire society? In the long run, we have no other choice.

Easy to Follow Instructions to Remove Prohibition:

1) Make hard drugs, such as cocaine, available by prescription.

2) Make the cost of the prescription lower than the street price.
(Therefore, people will go to a doctor instead of a dealer on the street – putting dealers out of business.)

3) Put the revenue received from the drug sales towards more humane projects, such as drug rehabilitation and health care.

Those actions alone would not only end this so-called “War on Drugs”, but we would have extra money to cover other costs.
