Category Archives: About Renee
It’s All About Soul – In Progress
“What is consciousness? Is it an emergent state of the brain altered by a life-force energy while electrically processing stored information?! That’s not a pretty hard problem (PHP) to solve. That’s a really hard problem (RHP) to solve.” – Renee Puchalski Introduction When discussing artifical
The Client-Server Model Dream
As a Back of House (BOH) server, I am literally talking and listening to other server requests within my network. As a Front of House (FOH) server, I am listening for sounds from client machines outside of my network. When I am idle or asleep, I dream
The Web of Enlightenment & Self-Healing
We have created a web of enlightenment rooted and hidden far beneath the surface of mankind’s lies and ignorance. Connecting to this “so-called web” energizes and heals my soul; and this, is how I pray. Everything will be
“Good Eye, Kid!”
I dreamt that I had just broke free from an abusive relationship that involved an attempt to be locked in a bathroom. Coincidentally, I was serving at a restaurant at the time, and out of the blue one night,
Happy Memorial Day!
Just baked a Lemon-Blueberry cake. You can find the recipe by clicking here.
Steal My Emotions: The “Source Field” vs. Electromagnetic Energy
There is much controversy about what connects living things on a physical, spiritual and emotional level. Scientists, spiritualists and physicists have disputed these connections for decades. While some believe that the connection is established with an unknown life energy source, others believe that we connect
Coming Soon: What is God?
Do you believe in God? What is it that you believe in? Is your God an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent being that is the epitome of perfection? I struggle to conceive of a perfect being, therefore, I think that this idea of God is a little
The Struggle is Real
The struggle to improve oneself and society is real. It is the war against yourself to awaken the soul. You only win the battle when you find yourself in a deeper, purified state of consciousness, with a more powerful connection to good spirits and love
Walking With Geniuses
“If I am walking with two other men [two other geniuses], each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other