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The Creation of Oneness

jesus-christDo you believe in Jesus Christ, the miracle healer, special messenger and master teacher of goodness? Do you believe that one person in your life can make a real difference and guide you to where you need to be? Do you think that if we were all followers or Christ, we might reach a state of ONENESS and find our own way through our work and by helping each other progress in one unified energy field of being and consciousness?

I not only believe in Jesus Christ, but I believe that we can all reach a level of consciousness that allows us to be open to the awareness of another and awaken in the footsteps of Christ. This journey of awakening increases our awareness of life situations and the significance of those experiences that were previously masked by unawareness. As a result, the spirit opens the door to compassion.

Awakening Christ Consciousness
To begin the journey of awakening to Christ consciousness within oneself, it is necessary to be in a state of childlike play that innocently attains the awareness of another which awakens and blocks judgement or biases. This surrendering to a unified field of energy felt by the awareness of another gives rise to the experience of creation. The flow of energy from the unified field is used as an internal compass or intuitive guide that allows one to act in a Christ-like manner and stay in step with all of creation.

Stepping Into The Dance of Creation
In this higher state of enlightenment, even if we don’t attain the miraculous healing powers of Christ, we become his messengers expressing the understanding of the consciousness, who and what it is, in the form of painting, music, writing, speaking and creative endeavors. As a heightened sense of creativity develops, the mind unleashes itself and begins to dance with the Creator. As a dancer, the mind speaks the hidden language of the soul, and the world you experience is your creation.

Perfection of The Dance
Meaning and purpose of being are brought to light as the mind becomes fully awakened and the connection to the unified field of energy strengthens. The soul is liberated and filled with peace. Fearful thoughts diminish with the feelings of isolation and despair, and the illuminated mind joins the the perfect dance of creation. Now, the spirit is set free to live the life it was born to live in a loving and supportive universe.

